Kalamos Komics proudly presents: Kalamos Krew Troupe. Kalamos Krew is an Italian-Based Performing Troupe, specialising in Fetish Art,Cosplay Acting and Tickling Shows. | Kalamos Komics ha il piacere di presentarvi: la Kalamos Krew. La Kalamos Krew รจ una troupe di animazione, specializzata in Fetish Art,Cosplay Acting e Tickling Shows. |

More about my Tickling Cosplay Crew.
Stefania Alchemist and Velvet Lyz recently joined our core members, Lirin and Kalamos. | Al nucleo iniziale, composto da Lirin e Kalamos, si sono aggiunte Stefania Alchemist e Velvet Lyz. |

Coming soon for your kind perusal: tickling clips on our online stores and galleries. Now showcasing: stills from our live performance shows from Italian parties and events. | Potete visionare i nostri video di solletico, sui nostri siti e negozi online. Permetteteci di mostrarvi alcune foto, tratte dalle nostre performance live da eventi e party italiani. |


* 2012-OCT-25
Tickling Area at Sadika Club
Via Rogoredo angolo Via Busseto
Milano Italy
* 2012-NOV-11
Rha-Bar Milano
Alzaia Naviglio Grande 150
Milano Italy
* Credits:
* My Blog - Kalamos Komics
* My Store - Kalamos Krew
* My Biz Partner - Devotion2
* Hosted by - Sadika Club - Milano
* Regina Nera Party - Bondeno
* Il Piacere Artificiale - BDSM Furniture
* Photo - Paolo Hack
* Photo - Claudio PhotoZac